Zen literature is full of beautiful phrases and imagery that are often challenging for zen practitioners to decipher. Becoming familiar with the pattern and style of these phrases is the first step to not only grasping their meaning, but also being grasped by them.
Re Jyoshin Clay leads this five week course based on the book, The Five Houses of Zen, by Thomas Cleary. Using this text as a foundation and jumping off point for exploring the teaching stories of zen, students and teacher alike will play with the words and phrases that point rather than explain.
There is no charge for this class, but a donation of $25.00 is suggested.
Advanced studies classes are offered to interested sangha members as an opportunity to study various topics with more depth that can be achieved in a Wednesday evening talk/ class. Participants do not necessarily have to be “advanced Buddhists”, and there are generally no prerequisites, but a commitment to the reading and attendance at the classes are expected. If you’re not sure, contact the teacher offering the class.
For more info contact Jyoshin.