2024 Dhama Talks/Student Talks

2022 Talks

2-16-22 Fifth and Sixth Grave Precepts, Penny and Choan

2-23-22 7th and 8th Grave Precepts, Shokai and Kemyo

3-2-22 9th and 10th Grave Precepts, Peter and Teiko

1-19-22 Contrition and the Three Pure Precepts - Moni Smith, Dixie Conley

2-2-22 3rd and 4th Grave Precepts, Shokai and Emelie

2021 Talks

Right Thinking Jyoshin Clay, Dec 2, 2021

Mindfulness, Shintai Dungay, 2-3-2021

Home Practice, Jyoshin Clay - March 24

, 2021

2020 Talks

7th &8th Grave Precepts - Shokai Ryan, 10-14-20

Do Not Indulge Anger, 10-21-20 Monica Smith

10-28-2020 Precepts Wrapup, Shintai Dungay

Kemyo Lingley - 1st Grave Precept

Jorin Maloy - 2nd Grave Precept

3rd and 4th Grave Precepts Teiko Cartoun 9-30-29

5th and 6th Grave Precepts - Nancy Ashley and Choan Wood-Saldana

9/2/20 Jyoshin Clay: Precepts

9/9/20 Introduction to the Precepts: Shintai

9-16-20 Contrition and the 3 Pure Precepts, Shintai Dungay

7/15/20 Touching Joy, Shintai Dungay

8/5/20 Shintai Dungay - Gathas

8-19-20 Seido Martin: Liturgy of the Natural World

Practicing with the First Noble Truth, Shintai Dungay

Racial Justice and Our Path of Practice, Shintai Dunay

Working with Scriptures and Sutras, Jyoshin Clay 6/24/20

Coping in Pandemic, Jyoshin Clay

Dharma talk by Jyoshin Clay, "Look Up"

The Dharna Wheel, Jyoshin Clay

2019 Talks

2018 Talks

2017 Talks

2016 Talks

2015 Talks