Do you like to write and receive mail the old-fashioned way? Do you ever feel like dropping someone a card? Would you like to reach out to other sangha members and be listed in our Sangha directory? As we continue to explore pathways for human connection during this time of social distancing, one idea that has been put forth is writing letters to each other. If you are interested in writing and/or receiving cards or letters from other Wy'east sangha members, email Kemyo ( with your name and postal address. A directory of addresses of sangha members will be shared in a secure format. You can choose someone to write to, maybe a sangha member you don't know as well (yet)? Or, if you would like to be assigned a pen pal, let us know. 

Not sure what you'd write? It's very open. Write however you are called to connect with another sangha member in this way. On the Google email list, sangha members have shared poetry, bright moments, sources of hope and inspiration, an account of how their day/week is going, offers to help out...Letter writing is another option for sharing our practice lives with each other.