Nehan Offertory (Chant Leader Only):
The Dharma Body of the Buddha cannot be seen so long as one is within duality, for it is beyond birth and death, filling all things. Out of compassion for all living things the Buddha appeared in the form and figure of a human being. For this great act we bow in gratitude and pray that we may be able to illuminate our minds from delusion.
On this __9th___ day of February we have gathered to commemorate our Lord Shakyamuni's entry into Parinirvana, and we offer incense, flowers, candles, cakes, tea and fruit, and the merits of the recitation of “Heart of Great Perfect Wisdom Sutra” out of gratitude for his Great Compassion.
The moon over Mount Ryoju shines miraculously in all directions; the sala trees bloom and their petals convey the fragrance of the Dharma down to the present time. The Buddha transcended desire and used the blessing of his understanding to help all who are deluded. After all delusion is removed, that which remains is called the True Form, the Form of Buddha, all. The merit of this Form has been a light for all from the far past until the present time. All forms of existence join in the grief of this day, and wholeheartedly recite with us this scripture. We are filled with awe at the countless voices and boundless light which proclaim the Dharma, and we vow to propagate it eternally.
Closing Invocation: All Together –
⬤ All Buddhas throughout space and time,
⬤ All Honored Ones, Bodhisattvas, Mahasattvas,
⬤ Wisdom beyond wisdom, Maha Prajna Paramita.