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Dharma Cloud Lineage Day

When: April 28, 2019 @ 8:30 am – 3:30 pm

Where: Sodo and environs, 8500 NE Siskiyou St, Portland, OR 97220, USA

Come join us during this first day-long event honoring the Dharma Cloud lineage welcoming all affiliates and related practitioners. The morning will be devoted to sharing our traditional forms including an introduction of all the various groups attending, and a panel dharma talk by the Kakumyo (DRZC Abbot), Domyo (Bright Way Zen), and Seido (Zen West / Empty Field Zendo) on the significance of the lineage, followed by lunch and an optional tour of the Siskyou campus.

In the afternoon session (1:30-3:30pm), we will reconvene as delegations from respective diverse places of practice, getting to know one another through conversation, inquiry and fun. In order to balance the numbers, we are proposing those willing to come and represent their groups register ahead of time with their own sanghas. That will give us an idea of how many will be in attendance. DRZC members please register HERE.

Earlier Event: April 24
Introduction to Zen Meditation Workshop
Later Event: May 1
Dharma Talk: Jyoshin Clay