Led by Bright Way teacher Domyo Burk and Wy'East Zen Center teachers Shintai Dungay and Jyoshin Clay. All three teachers are part of the Dharma Cloud lineage, so our traditions and teaching styles are very compatible!
We will practice within the container of silence and a dawn-til-dusk retreat schedule that will include zazen, chanting, silent work, formal meals, and rest.
The sesshin will be held at the Fireside Retreat Center in Corbett Oregon - under a 1-hour drive from the Westside (without traffic of course) and less than an hour from Sandy.
Cost of the full sesshin, including food and lodging, is $250. ($200 for Thursday arrival, $150 for Friday arrival.) If you can pay more in order to provide scholarships to others and support the zen centers, please do! If you need to pay less, please register anyway and indicate what fee you can afford.