WEZC Term Student Program 2023 - Overview
If you are looking for a way to intensify your practice and deepen your connection to sangha, you are invited to be part of the Winter Term Student Program. The term is an intensified practice of approximately two months, designed to mirror a traditional period of practice during which monks trained together intensively during the rainy seasons. Committing to a term of practice provides a clear beginning and end to a period during which Zen practice and involvement with Wy'east Zen Center takes a higher priority in your life.
When: Term Student Program includes 3 retreats:
September 16, 10:00a - 4:00p
October 21, 10:00a - 4:00p
November 18, 10:00a - 4:00p
Advance registration required
If you have not participated in a term student program previously, schedule a short meeting with Shintai or Jyoshin.
Contact Shintai (shintai@wyeastzencenter.org)
Contact Jyoshin (jyoshin@wyeastzencenter.org)
Commitment to attend all three retreats.
Suggested Donation: $25 for all three retreats. As always, donations of any amount for participation are welcome. Lack of funds is not an obstacle to participation.