“Life seems like an awful lot of fuss to go through
Just to end up as one more dead person.”
“When I think of the person i was 30 years ago
I think I must have died a million times already
without noticing.”
All the clocks and
watches stop
and keep true time.”
“Sun rises with a glow
glittering over snow.
The day emerges.
Sun sets with a glorious fire
or a subtle light shining through branches.”
“Now what can I do
With my weltschmerz?
Dirty snow melts.”
“A gate opens
A gate closes
Nothing remains
My Ten Thousand cronies let go, saying
Be still, be firm, be tender
go now -
one bow -”
“No matter the delusions, grasping and resistance,
Here I am.”
“I’ve gathered much, I leave you nothing.”
“Run, run, run, keep moving ...
I have went no where”
“The box without walls,
that I never fit into
“Goring forth without expectations,
as never before - metta”
“A small comet
Time to land
Somewhere else.”