Membership is a crucial step in choosing to support the Center and an important personal commitment of intent to practice. Income from membership dues is the most reliable way we can maintain this vital Training Center. If you are interested in becoming a member, please download this form and return it via email or postal mail.
Membership is an opportunity to express your commitment to practice and your commitment to help others practice.
Of course, the financial viability of the Zen Center is critical, so members are asked to commit to minimum monthly dues of $20.00. Some members prefer to pay $60 per quarter; some pay the annual $240 at one time; and some pay a great deal more. You are, of course, welcome to join us in sitting whether or not you can afford to pay dues; in that case, a minimum donation of $5 is suggested per visit. But be assured you are always welcome whether you are able to contribute financially or not.
Pledges and donations can be mailed to the Clear Water Zen Center, 2476 Nursery Rd., Clearwater, FL 33764; left in the donation box at the Center; or made monthly through an automatic recurring draft on your Paypal account or credit card.
The Stewardship Circle provides a stable funding base for the ongoing teaching of the Dharma at PIMC. Your monthly contribution will be automatically deducted from your credit card or bank account. Your generosity guarantees that PIMC will continue to be the living and vibrant spiritual home that nourishes you and so many others.
Your donation may be fully tax deductible. PIMC is a 501-(c)(3)organization. FEIN 93-1317966
Other Amount
Recurring Frequency:MonthlyIf you wish to stop recurring charges,
contact Acceptiva at 1-800-507-3871.
The teachings of the Buddha are priceless. For more than 2500 years they have offered humanity a way to transform ignorance, greed, hatred and suffering into love, compassion, and true freedom.
PIMC follows the ancient practice of Dana, in which the teachings are offered generously, with open hands and no holding back. The center flourishes as a result of the reciprocal dana through which participants express their gratitude in the form of service and financial support. Those who have found PIMC life-changing are also motivated by their gratitude to help make the teachings available to the next person who comes through the front doors.
The practice of generosity is essential to one on the path of awakening. It is one leg of a tripod that supports a compassionate and awake life. The other two legs are the practice of non-harming, and the development of the heart/mind through meditation. Practicing generosity helps us recognize and manifest our fundamental interconnectedness. Each act of sharing one's attention, energy, material wealth or time enhances one's capacity to relinquish clinging, resulting in freedom and happiness.
As a vehicle for the priceless teachings of the Buddha, PIMC is committed to the principle that no person will be unable to participate fully in the life of the center for financial reasons. Many events are offered on the basis of a "dana bowl" which is available.
Some classes are offered with a "suggested donation". To assure that no one is excluded, whenever there is a registration process, it is always possible to write in a scholarship amount. During the registration process it is also possible to make an extra contribution to support someone else's participation.
Please consider becoming a sustaining contributor with a monthly automatic contribution. This type of support continues whether or not you are able to attend, and allows a stable financial base for our planning.
If your life has been improved or transformed by your participation at PIMC please take a moment to follow one of the links above and help ensure that this precious resource of the Dharma is available for all.
All donations are tax deductible: PIMC is a 501-c-3 corporation.