In-Person Meetings
Next in-person meeting: December 18, 2024
As we actively search for a new location we are meeting in-person on the following Wednesdays:
When: Wednesday, Dec 18, 2024
Where: Celtic Spirit Yoga Studio
38736 Pioneer Blvd, Sandy, OR 97055
Sandy OR 97055
Please note revised schedule:
5:30 Arrive set-up (45 mins to set-up chat, etc)
6:25 Ringdown, short chanting service
6:30 Sitting Meditation
7:00 Walking Meditation
7:10 Sitting Meditation
7:20 Sangha circle, names, announcements
7:30 Dharma Talk/Discussion
8:15 Closing verse, goodnight, pack-up
Our remote sangha members may participate via our normal zoom link. Please note revised schedule above.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 532 862 4733
Passcode: zazen
Find your local number:
Please expect some glitches as we test out a new interim location and shortened schedule.