This is a sample schedule of an in-person one-day meditation retreat. It will look different for a Zoom retreat. Schedules will be available for participants when registration is open.
Sample Retreat Schedule
8:30am …….Zazen (seated meditation)
8:55 …………Kinhin (slow walking meditation)
9:05 …………Zazen
9:30 …………Chanting Service
10:00 …………Break
10:15 ……….Silent Work
11:15 ……….End Work/Break
11:30 ……….Zazen (sanzen available)
12:00 ……….Kinhin
12:40 ……….End Zazen/Meal Prep
12:45 ……….Oryoki Lunch
1:30 …………Cleanup and Break
2:45 …………Afternoon Recitation3:00 …………Zazen (sanzen, interview with teacher, available)3:30 …………Kinhin
3:40 …………Zazen4:10 …………Retreat Closing Circle
4:30 ………….Cleanup
5:00 ………….Retreat Ends
Retreat Cost
Minimum suggested contribution is $20, but we will not turn anyone away for lack of funds, so please pay what you can. If you only attend part of the day, donate as you feel is appropriate.
Retreat Registration
Stay tuned for a registration link.