Awakening to Whiteness
An Invitation to Learn
When “white” people ask people of color what we can do about racism in America one of the most common responses is, “Educate yourself. Learn about the history of systemic racism and its impact on our lives today.” The Awakening to Whiteness series is an opportunity, especially for those of us who are “white”, to educate ourselves about the history and current reality of racism in the U.S., including Oregon, Portland, and Buddhist Sanghas specifically. In addition, we learn about what it has meant to be socially categorized as “white” – and therefore how race has impacted our ancestors, and continues to impact all of us.
Each month participants are offered a range of material (readings, videos and podcasts) relating to a particular theme. The group then meets monthly to share our responses to the material. The exploration of the curriculum is done in small, peer-led groups, with no cross-talk.
All meetings will be held on Zoom. There will be an orientation meeting on Tuesday, June 8, at 6:00 pm. All are welcome to attend to learn more about the program.
This program is offered free of charge.